false fly rock + hoax

>> Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Magic stones, again ... I wonder what other titles. What is clear, that a stone has been busy talking about people and distributed the pictures. One of these floating stones picture is like on this side.

In addition, some comments or story is given as an explanation or description picture. Some call it a stepping stone to the Prophet Muhammad during Isra 'Mi'raj. The stone to go up into the sky, but dijejak by the Prophet to a stop in the position was''take off "until now. There is also the only mention of the stone suddenly flew as high as about 10 cm from the ground in April (either in time) and then down again.

The following is an excerpt from the usual information found in blogs or forums Muslims melayu:

The stone is a stone former seat of the Prophet Muhammad during his conduct of Isra Mi `raj until now is still floating in the air. It was said at the time of the Prophet Muhammad would be to Ascension, the rock wants to go, but soon he menghentakan feet on the stone, meaning that these stones do not come. Stone magic hanging in the mosque Omar (Dome of the Rock) in Environmental Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Since seeing the photo above I can not believe the truth of the story and photos. I'm sure there are elements of image manipulation there. While the story that accompanies it, I personally doubt that even if true, would have been there in a book or books written by scholars reliable hadith.

After all this time, finally I found a couple matching pictures like the one below. Figure is derived from arabic language discussion forum. From the little that I can digest from the discussion in the forum, concluded that the image is not original. Those who claim it gives evidence by taking photographs of stone which was located at Al-Ahsa region, in eastern Saudi Arabia. As shown below, was the original stone has a buffer 2 or 3 below. The photographer estimated that the process that gives erosilah rock formations that are unique.
Stone fly by another photographer

Penyangga Batu Terbang dalam jarak dekat

Stone fly from the other side

Photographed from the other side of the buffer visible form below

So, because it supports the rock is much smaller than the stones on top, then the manipulation of images by eliminating the buffer becomes easy. Moreover supported taking the right corner of the photo shoot. As a result, God knows how many Muslims who chuckled admiringly, commented Subhan Allah or God is great, God is great, seeing pictures of "The Stone Fly". Some others even express it as proof of the greatness of Allah swt.

Photo of the Prophet Muhammad stepping stones which are in fact like this:
Stepping stones as Isra Miraj Nabi is now under the Golden Dome Mosque

This stone buildings protected by the Golden Dome Mosque or the Dome of the Rock Mosque (Dome of the Rock). And like a rock this one does not want to follow the Prophet fly to the sky ...

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