Heart, the Generous Masterpiece

>> Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Can you live without a heart? Its location is maintained in the chest cavity indicated he was very sheltered and essential for life. Honestly, if a little is not breathing, blood supply and the necessary oxygen will be disturbed

Objects of one's fist is a role in the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. A healthy heart, under normal circumstances can tick as many as 60-100 times per minute. This amount varied depending on the kinds of activities a person. More and more sports activities are carried out, also increased heart rate every time. In addition, age and mental condition affecting a person also.

Until now there has been no technology that can match the creations of God. Scientists mimic racing heart by doing various experiments and the development of science of the heart. Not only that, they also make a complete copy with the original cardiac function in the body.

Research on the human heart and the clone has long encouraged. In October 2008, news media announced the existence of an artificial heart French scientists. By utilizing a mixture of polymer and pig tissue, they designed the artificial heart in such a way that resembled the original. The tool is equipped with sophisticated sensors that can provide information of blood flow to the heart.

Development funded device until the billions of dollars are able to pump blood twice, ie, pumps blood to the lungs and then pumping it back into the whole body. This artificial heart can also respond quickly enough the body needs for blood, increasing or decreasing flow throughout the body.

Although new to the animal tested, the price of these devices is estimated to reach $ 192,140 when it sold. If every dollar exchange rate equal to USD $ 9593 (Data Bank Indonesia on October 30, 2009), each person must be at least spend as much as Rp 1.843.199.020 or about 1.8 billion to the cost of a heart transplant!

Indeed, the gift of God is incredible. He has given heart freely to all His servants. Not just giving heart, God will lead men to be caring and maintaining important tool body through the orders of his. One of them is the suggestion to hold anger for men (see: Scientists: less angry to be more healthy), as the word of God in the Qur'an: "(They are) those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or narrow, and those who restrain anger and pardon (all) men. Allah loves those who do good ". (Surah Ali Imron 3: 134)

This is the form of God's love to the human heart still works well. If only people pay attention and think about all God's creation, there is minimal in them such as the heart, they would get love and gratitude to Him.

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