
>> Senin, 07 Desember 2009

My Prayer five times but ......
Remember God's only five-time course.
And the other time I forgot him.
If I Sholat 10 minutes, then just 10 minutes alone remember Him.
Maybe in 10 minutes then I can still remember other than Him.

My Prayer five times but ....
I do not thank Him.
Whereas I used to be very difficult.
God gives sustenance to me.
With luck I was able to buy a house.
With luck I was able to accommodate families.
With luck I was able to buy vehicles and so on.
But .. My heart is still not satisfied.
I am still greedy will treasure the world and still thinks of scarcity.

My Prayer five times but ....
I still use the words that are not polite to friends.
I often hurt them.
I often insult them.
I often insult their descendants and the nation as a nation if my descendants and all the best.
In case I do not know exactly where I was at mahsyar later.

My Prayer five times but ....
I was proud with the knowledge I have.
I am still proud to charitable deeds I have done.
I am still proud to worship what I do.
I was arrogant and thought I was the smartest.
I am still proud and I feel closest to God Almighty.
With a variety of ways and the various arguments I do not debate their ideals with me and I destroy their Houses of Worship, I was persecuted and I seized them and their families.
And I myself do not know, ridhokah Allah SWT with what I have done it.

My Prayer five times but ....
I am still using black magic to bring down enemies.
I use the money even with rank and wealth and power to throw people who I do not like.

My Prayer five times but ....
I am very miserly and stingy to spend money on charity and alms to the poor or to the orphans I fear my property because they run out and destitute.

My Prayer five times but ....
I still have the nature of malicious and treasonable to the friend of a friend who successfully promoted or increased salaries and / or successful in his efforts, when they try and work very seriously and I only work like life would not shrink from death.

My Prayer five times but ....
My wife and child neglect are starvation and suffering at home, because they I felt as a king in the household and may do as one pleases.

My Prayer five times but ....
Still merungut and berate when afflicted with calamity me, even though I knew something was coming calamity from God, karna actions and my own behavior
I should know to whom I revile it?

My Prayer five times but ....
Simply studying the eyes of preparing to debate with others or to assume their scholarship and deliberately looking for is not congenial to me, and forcing them to follow my footsteps, but I should have realized our goal is to study so that we can do charity sholeh and pray fervently and do not shirk in Allah (God Almighty to ally with others).

My Prayer five times but ....
I am reluctant to implement and less even do not understand the word of Allah in the Qur'an Qur'an: 29: (Al-Ankabut): 45, which means Read what has been revealed to you, namely the Book (Al Quran) and be steadfast in prayer. Indeed prayer was prevented from (the acts) cruel and unjust. And verily remembrance of God (prayer) is greater (virtues of worship others). And Allah knoweth what ye do.

My Prayer five times but ..
I do not understand and do not know and do not run correctly the word of God in the Qur'an Ma'un: 107, which means,
1. Did you know (people) who reject religion?
2. That people who scold orphans.
3. and not the feeding of the poor.
4. So woe to those who pray.
5. (They are) those who are heedless of the prayers.
6. people who do riya.
7. and reluctant (help with) useful things.

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